
ON Semiconductor provides up to date information and services to meet your needs. Product information is updated every 24 hours.

Technical Support

Technical Support Centers
United States and the Americas
Voice Mail 1 800 282 9855
Phone 011 421 33 790 2910
Hours M-F, 9:00AM - 5:00PM MST (GMT -07:00)
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Phone 00421 33 790 2910
Hours M-F, 9:00AM - 5:30PM CET (GMT +01:00)

Send email to Technical Support Engineers about product, support or application issues. Most responses provided within 48 hours.


Design Resources

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Power Supply

Design the power supply for your application. Select the optimum ON Semiconductor product for your requirements. Read more

Product Recommendation Tools+

Device recommendations based on system-level requirements

Interactive Block Diagrams

Build a customized list of products to complete your design

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