June 26, 2023


onsemi is proud to support our LGBTQ+

onsemi is proud to support our LGBTQ+ employees and recognize that all people share both similarities and distinct differences. We have unique gender identities, expressions and sexual orientations—and at our core, we all have one thing in common: we are human. onsemi believes in providing an inclusive workplace where all employees are encouraged and free to be themselves. We advocate for those who are and who support LGBTQ+ people in our company, families and communities. 

This Pride month, onsemi’s employee resource group (ERG) Continua prepared several events for our LGBTQ+ employees and allies,including a blood drive, education opportunities, focus groups on LGBTQ+ inclusion at onsemi. Continua held a Pride Breakfast Happy Hour with coffee and pastries at onsemi’s corporate headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, while employees learned more about the LGBTQ+ community and how to be an ally for their LGBTQ+ colleagues across the globe.



Nearly 100 onsemi employees joined the event to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community while enjoying coffee and pastries

“I like that the company does events like this because it makes me feel more included and welcomed,” said Nickolas Bridwell, lab technician, onsemi. “I’ve been in a workforce before where some people were openly against LGBTQ+ communities, which made me feel like I had to actively hide a part of myself while at work. It’s good to be at a company where you feel like being gay, lesbian or bisexual is okay.”



Nickolas Bridwell (left) with Jennifer Bain, Continua Co-Chair (right) at the Pride Breakfast Happy Hour. 

What is allyship for the LGBTQ+ communities?

Allyship refers to the active support of the LGBTQ+ community and its individuals by those who do not identify themselves as LGBTQ+. It is about using your platform to uplift and amplify the voices of underrepresented communities. Allyship is crucial for creating a more inclusive and accepting society as it allows those who are oppressed to feel heard, seen and valued.

onsemi’s Chief Marketing Officer and Continua’s executive sponsor, Felicity Carson, says that while Pride is more than one month a year, we take the month of June to learn more about the acceptance, equality and recognition of the hard work and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community.



Felicity Carson, CMO & Continua executive sponsor, onsemi.

What does an ally look like, sound like and act like?

An ally can look like anyone because what matters is their actions, not any external or internal trait or characteristic. An ally sounds like someone who actively listens to the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals and uses their own voice to speak out against discrimination and prejudice. An ally acts like someone who continuously works towards creating a more inclusive and accepting environment for all. Some examples for supportive and inclusive actions are using gender-neutral language and being mindful of one’s assumptions.



At the breakfast event, employees met new colleagues and learned more about the LGBTQ+ community, including how it is affected in different parts of the world and how different flags represent different parts within the community.

Bridwell believes onsemi’s efforts to highlight and support minority groups led to a feeling of acceptance and inclusion that he hasn’t felt in his past work life. 

“Having events that educate and inform colleagues about LGBTQ+ members, helps people understand the struggles of the community and empathize with them,” said Bridwell. “If you’re at onsemi, don’t be afraid to be who you are. You will be welcomed here.” 

How can you learn to be an ally?

Allyship is crucial for creating a more inclusive and accepting society. It’s an active state of being that’s focused on community, education, self-reflection, and a willingness to speak out against discrimination. Being an ally is not about how you identify, but about how you show up for your community.



onsemi employee and the Corporate Women’s Leadership Co-Chair, Cherie Baxley-Gores, showing her support as an ally during Pride month.

onsemi is supporting multiple organizations across the globe that champion LGBTQ+ inclusion efforts. We encourage all people to engage with their communities and to celebrate this month, this year, and all your loved ones.