Reliability Data - Device MTBF/MTTF/FIT

Device: NCV4274CDS50R4G
Equivalent to wafer fab process: BP STD LINEAR

Die Related Summary Data

Product Technology


Equivalent Device-Hours

MTBF/MTTF in Hours




More Details

Data is based on the following assumptions:

Activation Energy (constant) 0.7 electron-volts
Junction Temperature (25 - 175) Celsius
One-sided Upper Confidence Level percent

Note: The temperature and confidence level may be adjusted to your requirements.
Click the 'Calculate' button when set.

A reliability FIT rate calculated using this tool shall not be used for any functional safety purpose. In case a raw FIT rate needs to be estimated for a component which is targeted to be used in a safety critical application (i.e. compliant to ISO 26262 standard) it should be calculated according to generic safety standards (IEC62380, IEC61709, SN29500, FIDES, etc.)

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